Alice's Adventures in Wonderland☆不思議の国のアリス


青山学院大学 英米文学科同窓会 講演
講師:吉波 弘 青山学院大学名誉教授


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It's a warm summer's afternoon
when young Alice first tumbles
down the rabbit hole and into the
adventures in Wonderland that
have kept readers spellbound for
more than 150 years. Collected
here are Luise Carroll's two
books-Alice's Adventures in
Wonderland and Through the
Looking-Glass-in which Alice
encounters the laconic Cheshire
Cat, the anxious White Rabbit
and the terrifying Red Queen, as
well as a host of other outlandish
and charming characters.





”Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass,
and What Alice found there ”
◇作者 Lewis Carroll / ルイス・キャロル (1832/1/27 - 1898/1/14)
〔本名 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson /チャールズ・ラトウィッジ・ドジソン 〕
◇出版社 Macmillan Collector's Library  Hardcover – Unabridged, April 26, 2016
◇イラスト John Tenniel / ジョン・テニエル (1820/2/28 - 1914/2/25)
ISBN 978-1909621579
本の寸法: 4 x 0.65 x 6.2 inches
幅 4×2.54=10.16cm
厚さ 0.65×2.54=1.65cm
高さ 6.2×2.54=15.75cm
この本の寸法は約 10.16 cm x 1.65 cm x 15.75 cm
文庫本:一般的に約10.5 cm x 14.8 cm
新書本:一般的に約10.5 cm x 17.3 cm
A6判:10.5 cm x 14.8 cm
B6判:12.8 cm x 18.2 cm


◇”Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ” first publish 1865
Alternate Title: Alice in Wonderland
◇”Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice found there ” first publishes 1871

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